We have a Goodreads giveaway! Win one of 25 copies of Never Deny a Duke by entering here.
Good luck!
Tags: Decadent Dukes Society, Giveway, Historical Romance, Madeline Hunter, New Release
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Goodreads Giveaway! Win a Copy of “Never Deny a Duke.”
January 28th, 2019
We have a Goodreads giveaway! Win one of 25 copies of Never Deny a Duke by entering here.
Good luck!
Tags: Decadent Dukes Society, Giveway, Historical Romance, Madeline Hunter, New Release
This entry was posted on Monday, January 28th, 2019 at 9:11 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
6 Responses to “Goodreads Giveaway! Win a Copy of “Never Deny a Duke.””
I always enjoy easing your books. May I be blessed to win this one! Many thanks! Colleen
I have all of your books and plan on re-reading them soon. I can’t wait until your new one is available.
I am re-reading books 1 and 2 now. I love your books and am really looking forward to this one.
plan to stop in local library Monday, my birthday, to treat myself to a few good books to read!
your one of my most fav. authors. Thank you! 🙂
That’s very kind of you to say. Thank you.