
Subscribe to be notified when Madeline posts a new entry on her News page. Your email address will be used for these notifications only and will never be shared with a third party. Click here to subscribe.


July 22, 2015

"Readers For Life" Literacy Autographing, RWA Conference
Book Signing Open to Public
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
New York Marriott Marquis, New York, NY

September 17, 2015

Guest Speaker, Upper St. Clair Fall Tea
Reservations Required
Upper St. Clair Library, Upper St. Clair, PA

HEA Blog

Madeline's posts "Romance Unlaced: The buzz about historical romance" on USA Today's Happy Ever After blog.


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Parlor Talk

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News from Madeline


Subscribe to be notified when Madeline posts a new entry on her News page. Your email address will be used for these notifications only and will never be shared with a third party. Click here to subscribe.

Pre-Orders for Tall, Dark and Wicked Available Now!
April 17th, 2015

My cover for my next book, Tall Dark and Wicked, should be ready in the next week or so, and I will have a page up soon after on my web site. However, buy pages are already up at the major online retailers. Here are some links (see note at the end about Kindle):



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(You will notice that while Amazon has the pre-order price guarantee on the paperback, it does not on the Kindle. I think this is because the publishers are currently, one by one, negotiating their next contracts with the big A. I have noticed that those publishers who have signed one no longer have Amazon’s discounts on the Kindle books they put out. Right now, as of this writing, my publisher has not yet signed and I do not know when it is scheduled to do so. Just a heads up, however, that if/when that happens, the discount price currently on the Kindle version of this book might disappear even during the pre-order period. )


One Response to “Pre-Orders for Tall, Dark and Wicked Available Now!”

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October 1-4, 2020

Romancing the Gold Coast, Waltz Back In Time
The Mansion at Glen Cove, Glen Cove, NY. Please see for details.


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