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Juillet 22, 2015

"Lecteurs For Life" Autographe alphabétisation, Conférence RWA
Signature du livre ouverte au public
5:30 p.m. à 7:00 p.m.
New York Marriott Marquis, New York, New York

Septembre 17, 2015

Conférencier invité, Upper St. Clair Fall Tea
Reservations Required
Upper St. Clair Library, Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvanie

HEA Blog

Les messages de Madeline "Romance Unlaced: Le buzz autour de roman historique" sur Heureux de USA Today Ever After blogue.


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Salon de Discussion

Inscrivez-vous pour mon Salon de Discussion communauté d'avoir accès à des cadeaux exclusifs, concours, bulletins, et de plus.
Nouvelles de Madeline


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Peace on Earth
December 23rd, 2015

cat and xmas tree 4Peace on Earth. Three simple words. No matter what our faith or beliefs, we all can agree that Peace on Earth would be a good thing. So this season, let us all pause and think about the wonderful world we would have if only we could achieve Peace on Earth. It may be unlikely. It may be impossible. We should still hope and, if we are religious, pray for it.

I hope that everyone who reads this has a season of peace, and days that make good memories and lots of fun.

I will be celebrating with my family, continuing traditions that I have known my entire life. I will get nostalgic about Christmases past, and about family members now gone. But even those thoughts will contribute to the joy, because they are a part of this time of year for me.

I hope that you celebrate, enjoy, relax, and go ahead and eat that dessert (you can work it off after Jan. 1. That is what new years are for).


One Response to “Peace on Earth”

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Octobre 1-4, 2020

Romancing the Gold Coast, Waltz Back In Time
The Mansion at Glen Cove, Glen Cove, New York. Please see for details.


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