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Juillet 22, 2015

"Lecteurs For Life" Autographe alphabétisation, Conférence RWA
Signature du livre ouverte au public
5:30 p.m. à 7:00 p.m.
New York Marriott Marquis, New York, New York

Septembre 17, 2015

Conférencier invité, Upper St. Clair Fall Tea
Reservations Required
Upper St. Clair Library, Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvanie

HEA Blog

Les messages de Madeline "Romance Unlaced: Le buzz autour de roman historique" sur Heureux de USA Today Ever After blogue.


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Salon de Discussion

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Nouvelles de Madeline


Abonnez-vous pour être prévenu quand Madeline affiche une nouvelle entrée sur sa page Nouvelles. Votre adresse e-mail sera utilisée pour ces notifications uniquement et ne seront jamais partagées avec un tiers. Cliquez ici pour vous abonner.

Archive for November, 2009

Note de Madeline – Novembre 2009

Dimanche, November 1st, 2009

I am looking at a month of holiday preps and lots of writing, hoping the former does not interfere too much with the latter (you know how holidays tend to take over a bit!) I don’t think that will happen because I am totally engrossed in this book, the third one of my forthcoming series Le plus rare de fleurs.

Its title is Sinful en satin, and it is the story of Celia Pennifold. Celia’s scandalous history is discovered in Ravissante en rouge, and in her own book she grapples with the implications of the legacy and life bequeathed to her when her mother passes away. Her quest to strike out on her own, and to learn her father’s identity, is complicated by the presence of dark and mysterious Jonathan Albrighton, a man with his own secrets and scars.

The covers for the first two books in the series, Ravissante en rouge (release 1/26/10) et Perles en Provocative (2/23/10), are up, and so is the excerpt for RR. These first two books will be back-to-back releases. This means that along with Sinful en satin in the fall, I will have three of this quartet’s books published by this time next year.

I continue to blog at The Goddess Blogs along with 9 wonderful bestselling writers of great wit and charm. Stop by and visit us for some lighthearted fun and gab fests at And be sure to at least drop by on Sundays, when instead of blogging we offer refreshments of a special kind!

I am also on Twitter at @MadelineHunter, and I will soon activate a twitter account related to the new series. Daphne Joyes, the owner of Le plus rare de fleurs, will be commenting on her friends, revealing backstories, and discussing the inhabitants of Cumberworth, the town near her property. Daphne will eventually have her own book, the last in the series, to be titled Dangereux en diamants (anticipated release in spring 2011.) You can follow her at @DaphneJoyes on Twitter now and begin receiving her tweets from the start.

I have also had a widget made. Widgets are cute little applications that can be copied and put anywhere on a web page, sort of like mini web pages within web pages. Mine is similar to an entire mini web site. It should be on my homepage soon, but in the meantime you can see it (and copy it if you want) à



Octobre 1-4, 2020

Romancing the Gold Coast, Waltz Back In Time
The Mansion at Glen Cove, Glen Cove, New York. Please see for details.


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