Here is a chance to get His Wicked Reputation for a couple of bucks at Amazon and other online vendors, through Sept 6. That gives you time to read it before Tall, Dark and Wicked comes out Oct. 6!
Archive for August, 2015
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Juillet 22, 2015
"Lecteurs For Life" Autographe alphabétisation, Conférence RWASeptembre 17, 2015
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Archive for August, 2015
Here is a chance to get His Wicked Reputation for a couple of bucks at Amazon and other online vendors, through Sept 6. That gives you time to read it before Tall, Dark and Wicked comes out Oct. 6!
Publié dans Écriture | Commentaires fermés sur Sale! His Wicked Reputation’s ebook is on sale for $1.99