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Julio 22, 2015

"Lectores para la vida" Alfabetización Autografiar, Conferencia RWA
Firma del libro de Accesibilidad
5:30 p.m. a 7:00 p.m.
New York Marriott Marquis, Nueva York, Nueva York

Septiembre 17, 2015

Orador Invitado, Upper St. Clair Fall Tea
Reservations Required
Upper St. Clair Library, Upper St. Clair, Pensilvania

HEA Blog

Mensajes de Madeline "Romance Unlaced: El rumor sobre el romance histórico" Feliz en EE.UU. Hoy en día para siempre el blog.


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Parlor Talk

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Noticias de Madeline


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Archive for December, 2016

Sale! Dressed to Kiss discounted. Other titles’ prices lowered

Sábado, December 10th, 2016

The anthology Dressed to Kiss has had its price temporarily lowered to $2.99 (libro electronico!) This is on all online vendors, across the board.

También, a mixed variety of my backlist titles have had their ebook prices lowered by my publishers. I don’t know how long these prices will last, nor is there much rhyme or reason on which ones were chosen (we assume there is some plan, right?)

Are you on my mailing list? I will be sending a newsletter out in the next week or so. If you did not sign up yet, you can find the form here on the website.

Have a good season!



Octubre 1-4, 2020

Romancing the Gold Coast, Waltz Back In Time
The Mansion at Glen Cove, Glen Cove, Nueva York. Please see for details.


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