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New Release Celebration Giveaway
April 21st, 2021


Glückwunsch an Zara H.!

Zara wurde kontaktiert und hat ihre Adresse bestätigt. Ihr Preispaket ist unterwegs. Danke, Zara für die Teilnahme!

Dank an alle! Wir werden das wieder tun.

Anlässlich der Veröffentlichung von Erbin in roter Seide im April 27, Ich mache ein Werbegeschenk für eine nette Lesertasche, etwas Schmuck, und eines meiner Bücher. Um alles einzugeben, müssen Sie diese Frage in den Kommentaren unten beantworten: Mögen Sie die Heirat von Convenience-Geschichten?, und wenn ja, hast du einen Favoriten?

Das Werbegeschenk läuft bis Mitternacht EST, Mai 7. Ungültig, wenn verboten. Nur für US-Bürger (Entschuldigung!) Der Gewinner wird nach dem Zufallsprinzip ausgewählt. Ich werde den Gewinner per E-Mail kontaktieren und der Gewinner wird haben 48 Stunden zu antworten. Wenn keine Antwort eingeht, werde ich einen anderen Gewinner auswählen.

Schlagworte: ,

179 Antworten auf “New Release Celebration Giveaway”

  1. Colleen Perry sagt:

    Excited to read your new book!


  2. Janice Jacobson sagt:

    Ja, I am a sucker for marriage of convenience stories – stories of two separate individuals having to make a lasting union, often out of nothing much. My favorite is A Civil Contract by Georgette Heyer.

  3. Jenny sagt:

    Yes I love books about marriages of convenience. It is hard to name just one.
    I’m looking forward to getting and reading your new book. You NEVER disappoint.

  4. BN100 sagt:

    ja, no fav

  5. Dolores Ferguson sagt:

    Yes I do enjoy marriage of convenience marriages. They often turn into love matches❤️

  6. Mary Dunford sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories. They can have different twists and turns. I enjoyed Someone to Wed by Mary Balogh.

  7. Heather Hill sagt:

    I enjoy marriage of convenience stories. Favorite authors include you, Natürlich, Mary Balogh, Eloisa James, Bettina Krahn, and Elizabeth Hoyt.

  8. Kimberly sagt:

    I truly enjoy marriage of convenience stories but I don’t have a particular favorite.

  9. Anne Wright sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories. My favorite is Marriage of Inconvenience by Penny Reid, about two of my favorite characters.

  10. Linda Dosher sagt:

    It is not one of my favorites. I really don’t like the ones where one character has a hidden secret the other character can’t stand.

  11. Kate Sparks sagt:

    Ja, I love marriage of convenience stories. I don’t have a favorite.

  12. Patricia Barber sagt:

    Sometimes I do Andi just have to be in the mood to read it

  13. Jane Beeman sagt:

    I hardly read marriage of convenience stories but I probably have done in the past. Thanks for the chance.

  14. Alissa sagt:

    The tension and build up in a marriage of convenience story can be so satisfying. Ich liebe es!

  15. Carissa Thrush sagt:

    I do like marrriage of convenience stories! I don’t really have a favorite, as there are so many good ones!

  16. Robin in NC sagt:

    Ja, especially if they turn out to be right for each other after all.

  17. Suzette Pinnock sagt:

    Love the red cover. Love the series. Reading now!

  18. Toni Tuve sagt:

    I’m excited to get into a new series

  19. Beverly Gordon sagt:

    I do enjoy it but i dont have a fav. i reread books because sometimes i miss things the first go around so then that is my fav at the time of reading

  20. Linda Herold sagt:

    Yes I do enjoy reading them.

  21. Ellen sagt:

    Ja, I love those types of stories and seeing how the tide turns.

  22. Lena Lee sagt:

    I hope you meant May 7 instead of March 7 contest run until. I love your books. I know I will enjoy this one.

  23. Robin Orgera sagt:

    I love marriage of conveniences They are my favorite and I have numerous ones that I reread all the time.

  24. Mary Mac sagt:

    Ja, especially when they turn into romantic love. Love a good HEA

  25. Molly Laird sagt:

    Yes I love marriages of convenience books.

  26. Maryellen Webber sagt:

    I do like marriage of convenience stories. One of my favorites is The Arrangement by Mary Balogh.

  27. Winnie Kowalski sagt:

    I love your books and will definitely get this one.

  28. Whitney Court sagt:

    Can’t wait to read the new book!! Nothing I enjoy more than a good romance story!!


    Marriage of convenience is my favorite trope.
    Sleepless In Scotland- Karen Hawkins
    To Marry a Duke-Julianne MacLean
    Untamed- Diana Palmer
    The Duke and I- Julia Quinn
    Devil In Winter-Lisa Kleypas
    Dare To Play- Carly Phillips
    Whitney, My Love- Judith McNaught
    To Seduce A Sinner- Elizabeth Hoyt
    The Bride- Judith McNaught
    The Seduction of His Wife- Janet Chapman
    Texas Destiny- Lorraine Heath
    The Dangerous Gentleman- Julia London
    Lawless- Diana Palmer

    Lots of category romances too!

  30. Audrey Stewart sagt:

    I enjoy reading on any subject as long as it is well written. The Wallflowers book series by Lisa Kleypas is a great read. A few other books on a marriage of convience, that are really good, are the McCabe Trilogy by Maya Banks and Samantha Whiskey’s series, Cannon.

  31. Crystal Broyles sagt:

    I love marriage of convenience books. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas is one of my favorites.

  32. Lisa Sanetra sagt:

    I enjoy marriage of convenience stories. I am 48, unmarried and since I don’t have a job that pays all that well I can easily see myself entering into such an arrangement.

  33. MIssy Caberto sagt:

    I love a good marriage for convenience trope. I don’t have a favorite book though

  34. Sharon Sommer sagt:

    I enjoy marriage of convenience stories but I don’t have a particular favorite.

  35. connie kay Houghtby sagt:

    Ja, I do.

  36. Shelly Garnett sagt:

    Love the marriage of convenience books

  37. Nancy Krueger sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories. I loved Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas.

  38. Carrie Tillman sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage for convenience stories. Two that come to mind are The Bargain by Mary Jo Putney and Ravished by Amanda Quick.

  39. Louise corona sagt:

    Yes to marriage of convenience. I enjoyed a rare medieval one by Amanda Quick called Desire. It has a great plot and characters.

  40. Carol Knudtson sagt:

    I do enjoy these kinds of stories but I don’t really have a favorite.

  41. Jen Stake sagt:

    I do enjoy a good marriage of convenience story. I have read so many, I sometimes have trouble remembering the titles that accompany the story. Lol. But looking through the previous comments, I do have to agree that Amanda Quick’s Desire & Ravished are excellent!! I’ve read them both — well, all of Amanda Quick’s Regency & Medieval books — several times.

  42. Macy Cottom sagt:

    Oh how I love Madeline Hunter books!! I have read so many os your series in 2020! I am so looking forward to your newest book!

  43. Deidre Pyron sagt:

    Natürlich! Two people thrown together unwillingly who discover they are perfect for each other? What’s not to love?

  44. Alice Castle sagt:

    Ja, marriages of convenience can be very enjoyable as the characters evolve together. Oddly, I don’t think I have a favorite within this trope. Looking forward to reading your newest book as I do with all of your books!

  45. Cynthia Netherton sagt:

    Ja, I enjoy marriage of convenience story lines: Devil in Winter comes to mind. I’m hoping the March 7 end date was just a typo.

  46. DawnA sagt:

    To Seduce a Sinner by Elizabeth Hoyt and Never Seduce a Scot by Maya Banks

  47. Courtney sagt:

    Ja, I like when people learn to grow and love each other when they never though it was possible.

  48. Cindy Ehrlich sagt:

    Lieben Ihre Bücher! Can’t wait to read this new release! ❤️ Thank you for this opportunity!

  49. Pat Dupuy sagt:

    I do enjoy a good story about a marriage of convenience. I like all the different reasons authors come up with to make it work. One recent one I enjoyed was This Earl of Mine by Kate Bateman. The marriage was supposed to be to a prisoner about to be hanged so the heroine could be a widow.

  50. Dawn sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories. I don’t have a favorite though. What draws me in is a beautiful cover and a clever description.

  51. Judy Johnsen sagt:

    I enjoy marriage of convenience stories. Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas is a favorite

  52. Pamela L Heebner sagt:

    I am just starting the historical romance series by you, so right now I do not have a favorite.
    My favorite book of all time was The Black Rose by Thomas B. Costain.

  53. Anne Harris sagt:

    I do enjoy marriages of convenience! It’s fun to see how the author takes it! There is such a variety of directions to go with it. I can’t name just one, but when I read Georgette Heyer, waaay back when, those was one of my favorite tropes she’s use.

  54. Diane Fondelheit sagt:

    Cant wait to read this book!

  55. Love the color of red and the feel of silk – sounds intriguing

  56. Carolyn Rhodes sagt:

    Hi, yes I enjoy marriage of convenience from time to time just to change things up.
    I’ve always enjoyed your books and can’t wait to read this series as well. Love the cover and thanks so much for the bookmarks.

  57. Jo Jones sagt:

    Love the series. What a novel idea

  58. Beatrice Pickett sagt:

    I read Heiress inred silk. I really loved it I usually don’t read this type of work but I received an arc from you and I just loved it. I would love to be able to have the first book to read thank you for introducing me to your writing I really appreciate it so much.

  59. Linda K Davis sagt:

    Ja, I like marriage of convenience books. Would love to read yours. Happy Spring!

  60. Marie Beilfuss sagt:

    I really don’t like marriage of convenience stories. they are married and will stay married so where is the push and pull of the story arc

  61. Margaret Mangione sagt:

    Yes I do like them. It’s hard to pick just one.

  62. Judi sagt:

    Funny, isn’t it, how you can describe a book and it sounds like thousands of others–yet it can be a fresh new take that is a joy to read?

  63. Karen Weddle sagt:

    Yes I love marriage of convenience stories! I guess it really depends on how the author writes the story. It’s a compelling premise as most of us don’t understand ever doing that.

    Congratulations on your new release!

  64. Theresa Norris sagt:

    I love them. I don’t have a favorite.


    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories when they have a good plot as to why they are being forced to join in the union. Colleen Coble is one of my favorite authors, and she has several stories that lead to marriage of convenience. The Lonestar Series is great!

  66. Jenny A. sagt:

    I like them if they end in a HEA! I don’t have a favorite.

  67. LSUReader sagt:

    It’s not my favorite trope. But I do enjoy well-written character-driven stories. I am looking forward to your newest.

  68. Wendy Quest sagt:

    I can’t wait to read the latest novel!

    FYI – your email newsletter has March 7 instead of May 7.

  69. Tiffany J. sagt:

    My birthday is next week and I’m so excited that Heiress in Red Silk is one of the several books I will be buying for my birthday. 🙂

  70. Bettina sagt:

    Ja, I enjoy reading the marriage of convenience- nice escape from all the craziness going on

  71. Barbara S sagt:

    I haven’t read any marriage of convenience stories yet (that I can remember anyways). Thank you for the invite!

  72. Sam sagt:

    It’s not one of my favorite themes.

  73. Earlene GILLESPIE sagt:

    Yes I love the marriage of convenience stories. It’s always great to see the struggles the couple go through to get their happily ever after. It’s hard to pick just one fav though.

  74. Margie Hager sagt:

    I love marriage of convenience stories. I miss seeing you at book club.

  75. Deborah Bryce sagt:

    What’s not to love? Two people are thrown together unwillingly and discover they are perfect for each other. Gotta love it!

  76. Elizabeth Brown sagt:

    Oh what a lovely giveaway! Can’t wait to read the new book!


    Elizabeth Brown

  77. Gail Charest sagt:

    Marriage of convenience stories are great! The tensions build as the love grows!
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter your contest.

  78. Teresa Bassett sagt:

    Always excited with a NEW book release, looking forward to a good read 🙂 Thanks for a chance to win this awesome giveaway.

  79. Michelle Thao sagt:

    Ja, when it’s written correctly, LOL. Any of your books, although “Hinreißend in Red” (which I consider as a marriage of convenience, but maybe you won’t) stands out since it started a wonderful series!

  80. Maria Smith sagt:

    Yes I really enjoy marriages of convenience stories. It is fun watching the couple fall for real! Of the top of my head one of my favorites would be The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare!

  81. Colleen C. sagt:

    I do enjoy Marriage of Convenience books… no fave comes to mind though.

  82. Daphne sagt:

    Ja, its my favorite. As a matter of fact, when I go to my work search browser “Marriage of Convenience” pops up and i can’t delete it 😂. My favorite is His at Night by Sherry Thomas.

  83. Cindy Collard sagt:

    Ja, I love marriage of convenience stories. I don’t have a favorite.

  84. Maria Proctor sagt:

    I enjoy reading marriage of convenience stories a few times a year. I don’t have a favorite one

  85. Penney Wilfort sagt:

    Yes I do! I am looking forward to reading Heiress in Red Silk. I love the cover and it sounds very good. Dank

  86. Sandy Pochapin sagt:

    I like marriage of convenience stories very much.

  87. Kate Y sagt:

    With marriage of convenience plots, sometimes I enjoy them and sometimes not so much. My favorite by far is “Devil in Winter” by Lisa Kleypas (I see a bunch of people have mentioned it here. ^_^) I also enjoyed “An Unlikely Countess” by Jo Beverley, und “First Comes Marriage” by Mary Balogh.

    There is a subsection of marriage of convenience plots where the heroine has been compromised (by the hero or by someone else), & the hero steps up to marry her. I just read one like this, “First Comes Scandal” by Julia Quinn. Very fun. I also really liked “Never a Gentleman” by Eileen Dreyer.

  88. Cindi Hoppes sagt:

    Hello! My daughter in law and I enjoy reading your delightful books! Our favorite book genre and your writing style appeals to both of us… The marriage of stories gives us an inkling of what may be coming up.
    Many thanks, Cindi

  89. Pam sagt:

    While I do enjoy a good marriage of convenience story, I’ll admit I’m more of an enemy to lover kind of gal. I like the tension that builds through the story.

  90. Ronda sagt:

    I enjoy them but I don’t have a favorite one.

  91. Karen M sagt:

    I enjoy reading a good marriage of convenience story but I have no favorite.

  92. Laura Wakeley sagt:

    I enjoy reading a good marriage of convenience story, I don’t know which is my favorite, too hard to choose.

  93. Karin H sagt:

    I always say that no, I don’t like marriage of convenience stories…and then I read one and enjoy the heck out of it. LOL I guess I do enjoy them. 🙂 I can’t think of a favorite right now, obwohl.

  94. Donna Ledbetter sagt:

    Hello, for someone who cannot usually find her way around on the internet. I am really surprised I followed your trail. Love all your books! Please keep up the good work.

  95. Vicki Wurgler sagt:

    I do like read about marriage of convenience-one I enjoyed was The Contract

  96. LuAnn Dawson sagt:

    I’ve been waiting a year for this book!
    Hmm. Marriage of convenience. It always seems to work out for the couple involved and as long as it is well written, I enjoy them. One of my favorites was book 2 of the rarest blooms series, Provokative in Perlen.

  97. Charlene Fraley sagt:

    I love marriage of convince stories. I don’t have a particular favorite, but I love them with Highlanders in it❤️

  98. Crystal sagt:

    Book sounds like a great read. Would love to read and review book(s) in print format.
    Will a marriage of convenience work? How will they work out their problems and deal with them? So many questions.
    Here’s Hoping I Win.

  99. Chrystal Younger sagt:

    Love reading your stories!

  100. Susan Benedict sagt:

    Happy Mother’s Day! I enjoy a marriage of convenience story.

  101. I love the flowing red gown on your new book and can imagine your leading lady making an elegant entry into a ballroom and having all heads turn! But who’s attention is she most interesting in getting?

  102. Lisa Puhala sagt:

    Ja! I do like a marriage of convenience story. My favorite is The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas –The Devil in Spring was good too! I really enjoyed Ravishing in Red, and the first two books in the Rothwell series.
    [I received my bookmarks today–thank you!]

  103. Toni Orsini-Bagley sagt:

    I don’t always like stories about marriages of convenience because sometimes I think one person isn’t into it as much as the other…but I have no favorite to speak of

  104. Caryl Kane sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories!

  105. Julie McDonough sagt:

    I enjoy reading marriage of convenience stories. One of my favorites is Marry in Haste by Anne Gracie.

  106. Lynne McDonald sagt:

    Ja, I do enjoy reading marriage of convenience stories. I don’t have a favorite but I have to like the characters.

  107. Glenda M sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories! Devil in Winter is one of my favs!

  108. Linda George sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories and I have several favorites. Yours sounds like one that I will enjoy.

  109. MS Barb sagt:

    Ja, I enjoy marriage of convenience stories (unless there’s abuse!)

  110. Becky sagt:

    Ja, I enjoy marriage of convenience stories but I don’t have a favorite.

  111. LALighton sagt:

    Ja, no favorite.

  112. Wendy sagt:

    It’s not a favorite trope of mine.

  113. Vicki sagt:

    If there is some humor involved, I like them.

  114. Lynn Vileno sagt:

    If a marriage is not convenient, then why get married at all. I have been married to my closest friend (trust in advance) for over 45 years and with him for 50 Jahre. If it was convenient/easy, then everyone would do it.

  115. Lynn Vileno sagt:

    P.S. The main web site and page says that everything is over on March 07, 2021.

  116. Susan Heim sagt:

    I love marriage of convenience stories. One I enjoyed recently was “Love unexpected” by Jody Hedlund.

  117. Debra J Pruss sagt:

    Ja, I do like marriage of convenience. I am not sure that I can narrow it down to one. If I have to it would be the story Love Comes Softly by Janette Oake.

  118. Deb Pelletier sagt:

    Mögen Sie die Heirat von Convenience-Geschichten?, und wenn ja, hast du einen Favoriten? Yes I like them , A Rogue by any other name. Devil in winter.

  119. Diane Sallans sagt:

    Absolutely – I love it when the couple find common interests, find they like each other and fall in love.

  120. Joye sagt:

    I enjoy reading all kinds of books. Marriages of convenience make for interesting plots.

  121. I love a good love story. Your books always hold my interest.

  122. Ann Ivey sagt:

    I’ve read a few marriage of convenience stories. I don’t have a favorite.

    Thanks for the chance.

  123. I do like Marriage Of Convenience stories. One of my favorites is Devil In Winter. Would love to read yours.

  124. Jenny T sagt:

    I think marriage of convenience stories are okay, but don’t have a particular favorite. I prefer a fake relationship that turns to romance instead of the burden of marriage.

  125. Shani Schulman sagt:

    I have not read the marriage of convenience stories; jedoch, I appreciate the contest and hope to win! Thank You 😉

  126. Jane Sprando sagt:

    Love “marriage of convenience” stories! Actually , I like most romance stories. And my favorite is usually the one I just finished!

  127. John McGaugh sagt:

    I enjoy Marriage of Convenience stories, though I can’t think of a particular favorite one.

  128. Jessica sagt:

    I enjoy the marriage of convenience stories, but I don’t any favorites. I enjoy your books and my husband always gets me a new one for our anniversary. Can’t wait to read your new book coming out!!

  129. Sue Hieber sagt:

    I hate marriage of convenience stories! A marriage without love is never “convenient”.

  130. Patricia Solla sagt:

    Looking forward to another of your terrific reads.

  131. Ola K Norman sagt:

    Ja, I like most romance stories.

  132. Joy Eden sagt:

    Ja! The most recent ones I’ve re-read are by Amanda Quick they are Desire & Ravished but I don’t think there’s one that I haven’t loved. I tend to re-read books after a few years too especially if they really stand out to me. Looking forward to reading your new book!

  133. Patricia Wong sagt:

    Can’t wait to start the new series!

  134. Margie Conklin sagt:

    Yes I love marriage of convenience stories because there is usually a twist that follows but real favorite. I can’t wait to read your new book!

  135. Diana Hardt sagt:

    Ja, I love marriage of convenience stories but I don’t have a favorite.

  136. Cherie J sagt:

    Yes I do enjoy marriage of convenience if it is done well. Mary Balogh and Diana Palmer are two authors who have done it well.

  137. Helena Tripp sagt:

    Ja, really enjoy marriage of convenience as basis of plot. I do not have a favorite story/author but look forward reading this series – I know I will enjoy anything that Terri Brisbin recommends.

  138. Cyndi Bennett sagt:

    I enjoy most all types of romance . Looking forward to reading this series as you are one of my “go to authors”
    when I want something I KNOW won’t disappoint!
    Thanks for the chance at your giveaway and best of luck to fellow participants!

  139. Tina Hairston sagt:

    I do love them but I can’t say I have an absolute favorite. I’ve read SOOO many over the years that I honestly can’t even think of one right now, lol. What I do love is if there’s an underlying “enemies to lovers” oder “mail order bride” theme to them as well since they would fall under the “marriage of convenience” umbrella. Vielen Dank für das Werbegeschenk!

  140. John Smith sagt:

    Ja, a marriage of convenience can lead to all sorts of interesting plot developments and entanglements! …Hmm, a good marriage of convenience story–“The Forsyte Saga,” perhaps?

  141. Ashley Fasolo sagt:

    Lovely, congrats, and thanks for the chance.

  142. Kim Giglio sagt:

    I love marriage of convenience! It is my favorite plot device in historical romance. Madeline’s “The Sinner” is my top choice and I reread the entire Seducer series every few years. My second choice would be Mary Balogh’s “Slightly Married”. Both are perfect examples of historical romance at its finest.

  143. Julie Smetzer sagt:

    Ja, I do. The HEA concept in what begins as a contract for personal agendas can just as easily be seen in some friendships. Neighbors or coworkers join forces to achieve selective goals and find that there’s so much more to their relationship than what they originally thought! Three of my favorites are The Bargain by Mary Jo Putney, Sleepless in Scotland by Karen Hawkins, and Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas. Thank you for sharing this offer, Madeline!

  144. Amy Lara sagt:

    LOVE reading about two strangers pushed together and feeling the chemistry as they fight their feelings and eventually giving in. It’s the best!

  145. Rosie sagt:

    The marriage of convenience is one of my favorite tropes. I have quite a few on my keeper shelf, but one of the ones that comes to mind is Entwined by Emma Jensen. I periodically reread it and it is always enjoyable.

  146. Susan M sagt:

    Who doesn’t love romance!!! Reading takes you places….
    Looking forward to reading your lane west story

  147. SARAH TAYLOR sagt:

    Yes I love reading marriage of convenience stories Thank you for the amazing giveaway Love your newsletters also!

  148. Hi! I live Marriage of Covenience stories!! 🙂 My favorite is the Mistress of Tall Acre by Laura Frantz. Danke!! 🙂

  149. I have always enjoyed “marriage of convenience” romances–there is often wonderful character development as the couple grows as individuals as they grow closer together. A longtime favorite is “Marry in Haste” by Jane Aiken Hodge. Best Wishes for all releases!

  150. Barbara Schelin sagt:

    I do love marriages of convenience! I think my favorite is one of my all-time favorite books! It’s Devil in Winter, by Lisa Kleypas. Mary Balogh has a few as well, and Janna MacGregor, and I could go on all night!

    Thank you for this great giveaway!

    Just received my package from you today, and then Tuesday the new book will be here! I always buy print copies of your books as I know I will read them over and over! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  151. I enjoy your books and your website, I cannot wait to read your newest. I too enjoy “marriage of convenience” stories. I’m going to Maui in a few weeks and the tote bag, book and jewelry will look great on the beach.

  152. Jane Meganck sagt:

    Marriage of convenience is petty good. Jedoch, I normally go by author rather than trope.
    So excited for this book to come out!
    Thanks for this opportunity!

  153. GB sagt:

    Ja, I love marriage of convenience stories. I don’t have a favorite.

  154. denise sagt:

    I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories.

  155. Jackie Wisherd sagt:

    I like thise kind of stories and a whole lotta other themes too.

  156. Karen Gallagher sagt:

    I’m always excited for a new book from you, but I go through them much too fast because they are so good!

  157. Jennifer H. sagt:

    I guess it just depends. I really like Betty Neels; I feel like she is the epitome of Marriage of Convenience novels. My favorite of hers is The Hasty Marriage and my favorite historical is To Marry An Heiress by Lorraine Heath. I have read both multiple times.

  158. June Sheppard sagt:

    Yes I enjoy reading marriage of convenience stories! Thanks for the chance😊

  159. Auriette sagt:

    I enjoy reading marriage of convenience stories, although I’m terrible with remembering titles (especially since e-books), so I can’t immediately name a favorite.

  160. Sylvia Gonzalez sagt:

    Looking forward to reading your newest book.

  161. Ginny Wexler sagt:

    I like all romance, I don’t look for anything particular other than a great story.

  162. Diana Munk sagt:

    I love historical romance with intrigue, laughter and marriage for love rather than convenience. No particular favorites come to mind at present.

  163. Maritza sagt:

    I do enjoy Marriage of Convenience romances. Also love Historical romance. Thanks for the chance to win

  164. Christina sagt:

    Enjoy stories around Marriage of Convenience, especially if there is a “misunderstanding” in why they must marry. Love the way these stories pull at the heart strings!

  165. Cheryl C. sagt:

    Ja, I do enjoy marriage of convenience stories. I enjoy watching the journey to real love.

  166. Barbara Ceas sagt:

    This is really my very favorite of all Madeline’s books, and I enjoyed all of them, but the Heiress in Red Silk – oh my!

  167. StuffSmart sagt:

    Ja. Jedoch, I don’t have a favorite.

  168. Debra Patton sagt:

    As long as there is a happy ending I will enjoy it.

  169. Stacy S sagt:

    Sometimes I do. It just depends on the story. I love the cover!

  170. Stacie K sagt:

    Ja, no specific favorite

  171. Deborah Wettstein sagt:

    Ja, not that I can think of.

  172. Colleen Doern sagt:

    Love marriage of convenience stories – and am excited to read your new book!

  173. Sandra sagt:

    Ja, I love marriage of convenience stories! I’ve read so many, jedoch, that I don’t think I can pick a favorite!!! I can’t wait for this one!

  174. Lyssa H sagt:

    Ja, I love marriage of convenience stories. Like most of the respondents here, obwohl, I cannot name any specific ones. But I’m reading through the replies in hopes of picking up new suggestions!

  175. Zara H sagt:

    I love marriage of convenience books! There are so many, but my absolute favorite is: Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas.

  176. JanD sagt:

    I like marriage of convenience stories but I can’t think of a favorite book.

  177. Rachel Kusmierz sagt:

    Although the give-away has expired, wanted you to have another piece of data for your survey. Much prefer your stories that do not involve a marriage of convenience as they are less predictable. Favorites of yours: durch Besitz, The Sins of Lord Easterbrook, Gefährliche in Diamonds, Interrupted Tapestry, and The Seducer. Jedoch, there are two marriage of convenience of titles that are on my list of all-time favorites and those are Julie Garwood’s The Bride, and Laura Kinsale’s Flowers from the Storm. Thanks for the joy of reading your work, I look forward to everyone of your titles!


Oktober 1-4, 2020

Romancing the Gold Coast, Waltz Back In Time
The Mansion at Glen Cove, Glen Cove, NY. Please see RomancingTheGoldCoast.com for details.


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